ࡱ> +-*g R bjbjVV2r<r<D&&&&&:::8r:fi. $J!&ii&& F&& v^60f[F&$f, : Concord University College Fujian Normal University Certificate of Enrollment This is to certify that , , Citizen ID card No. , was admitted to our college after the College Entrance Examination, and is now studying the major of at the in our college. The duration of her undergraduate program is four years.Hereby certify.Concord University College Fujian Normal University File No.: Contact Phone: This certificate is only valid for 30 days from the date it was issued. 45NOP^_`x # ' ( C R e g u ~ ùwkch3{B*phh3{B*CJaJphh3{B*CJaJo(phh B*CJaJo(phh3{B*CJPJaJphh3{CJPJaJo(h >*CJPJaJo(h3{CJPJaJh3{CJPJaJ o( h3{o(h3{OJQJ\aJo(h3{5PJaJh3{5CJ\aJo(h3{5CJ\aJ%5OP_`   ( * $dVD]^a$$d4$VD]^a$$d4$`a$`$d$dVDWDV^d`$a$ $WD`a$$2&d P WD`2a$    $ & h3{jh3{Uh3{B*CJPJaJphh3{B*CJPJo(phh B*CJPJo(phh3{B*CJPJph* &dP`0182P. A!"#$%S b 6666666868888XV~PJ_HmH nHsH tHJ`J cke $1$a$ CJKH_HaJmH nHsH tHN@N h 1d@$$@&TJCJ,aJ,5KH,\X@2X h 3a$$1$@&d[$d\$CJOJQJaJ5KH\$A $ ؞k=W[SONiN nfhxjm)ʬuWLfdݮ+5_4csj-V?k3rm}gzgs嚋7xwsȈR W*)|jȫKXͫ dXIBF؇bnh ( *'vɗ3KZjz'c*_=}<9ݻw~]8^~_o?xYýg~^G}J0Emh=Ԅ Ξa>s$-, Oɠ=Hp Ua/ UO d*:(.fTU/!9$V[|hrvs-iUt. 6ڪ4Cebs)bMjBekp um,fd$͑{6GUVf~b#Vb@qTTW.ޛd)i@vdq9Y^X7{2%uHx+af6]>f#sm*qqDHehK)@?71oggo`:fղekp£2֌Nj8ǰD CB?81e>nEeU}H]dm1iQ6褣֧ T  *  8@0(  6 3 ? OLE_LINK1 OLE_LINK2^^U``UDFGIJLMOPRUDFGIJLMOPRU3DFGIJLMOPRU 3{$DF@T@ UnknownG*Ax Times New Roman5Symbol3. *Cx Arial;5 wiSO_GB2312ABook Antiqua;([SOSimSunA$BCambria Math QhRdGRdGRdGVV!Z&!),.:;?]}    & 6"0000 0 000000 =@\]^([{  0 0 00000;[2CCKQ) ?'*2!xx (WfwangyuanuserOh+'0L    ,4<D ڶ֤ wangyuanNormaluser2Microsoft Office Word@F#@j2v@< v@< vV՜.+,D՜.+,X   Graduate School of BNUC d ?GKSOProductBuildVer2052-  !#$%&'(),Root Entry Fv.1Table WordDocument2SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8"CompObjn  FMicrosoft Word 97-2003 ĵ MSWordDocWord.Document.89q